The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Levermore, Charles Herbert (1856-1927)
Woodruff Date
February 15, 1905.
Dr. Charles A. Levermore,
Adelphi College,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
My dear Levermore:
Since writing to you the other day about attending Comptroller Grout's dinner, I find that it will be impossible for me to attend. It was my intention at that time to attend the dinner and take the 11.30 train that night to Albany, there joining a party of gentlemen whom I invited to visit my camp in the Adirondacks. Sunday, however, I learned that Senator Allds (who has the arrangements in charge) had arranged for a special car to be attached to the night train leaving Albany at 11.15 on Thursday night, the 23rd, and had so notified the twenty gentlemen whom I had invited. Beside this, they have arranged for a dinner - at which I am to be the guest - on that evening, the plan being to go directly from the dinner to the train. As Governor Higgins, Comptroller Kelsey, Secretary of State O'Brien, and a number of the members of the Senate, ate in the party, it is absolutely imperative that I should be in Albany early on Thursday. I am going to Syracuse tonight and will be back in New York a week from next Monday, at which time I would like to hear from you about Grout's plans. Will you not be kind kind enough to write me at that time about the whole scheme, what you think about it, etc., etc.
With best wishes, believe me,
Yours very sincerely,