The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Levermore, Charles Herbert (1856-1927)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
Woodruff Date
Brooklyn, N.Y., May 3rd, 1905.
Hon. Timothy L. Woodruff,
339 Broadway,
New York City.
My dear Woodruff:-
I believe that the proposition to the city authorities to maintain free scholarships in this College, if made at all, should be made this spring. I believe also that, if we do make it, we ought to consider whether we should not notify the Polytechnic folks of our intention and let them join us in the effort if they wish to. The next meeting of the Board does not occur until Monday evening, May 22nd. That is too far along for the initial consideration of such scheme. I therefore send you this rough draft of a proposition, which I should like to have you read and criticise. If you think well of the scheme I should like to have you call a meeting of the Executive Committee at some time and place during the next fortnight when we can be sure to get the members of the Committee together, so that we may give to this scheme all the consideration that may be necessary before presenting it to the Board and to the officers of the City Government.
It seems to me that if we can present this subject judiciously we may be able to get all the good that there ever was in the Grout proposition without any of the attendant evils.
I would not venture to send this document along at this time if I had not understood from you that you expected to make your sojourn in the Adirondacks a short one and to be back in your office early in May.
Very sincerely yours,
Charles H. Levermore